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The Ultimate Guide to Nutritional Supplements for Weight Loss Support


Due to the high demand and requests for weight loss support products, we’ve compiled a guide to nutritional supplementation for weight loss patients. Whether you are a patient, or a prescriber that recommends natural weight loss solutions, medications, or a combination of both, this may help support better outcomes.

Weight Loss Support with Morgan Compounding Pharmacy

As many may know, Semaglutide and its peptide peers have become extremely popular with weight loss. At Morgan Compounding, we have helped many implement supplement protocols to address deficiencies that may come with these medications.

Achieve Healthy Weight with Weight Loss Support

The Starters

CORE Restore 7-day Detox Kit

Core Restore is given to patients before they start their weight loss/lifestyle modification journey. It helps prime the liver and helps to allow for toxin and fat clearance.


Help your patients build healthy habits with this comprehensive 7- or 14-day diet, lifestyle, and nutrient program designed to reduce toxic burden and support Phase I and II liver detoxification function. Perfect start to build lasting results.

The Mains

Mitocore is a scientifically formulated blend of nutrients and protein that supports Phase I and II liver detoxification. Start immediately post Core Restore.

Dosing: 1 scoop per day or 4 capsules.

HepatoCORE Supplement bottle

HepatoCORE provides broad-spectrum support for optimal liver function and fat metabolism.

Dosing: 2–4 capsules per day

HiPhenolic provides weight loss support and has fat loss clinic data. It provides a targeted blend of key polyphenols that maintain energy and metabolic efficiency.

Helps regulate satiety by stimulating GLP-1 & reduce cravings by decreasing Ghrelin, the “Hunger Hormone“.

Dosing: First Month: 2 capsules BID 30-minutes before largest meals, titrating down to 2 capsules per day thereafter.


A La Carte

Multivitamin is to help maintain patient energy levels and achieve nutritional values during caloric-restricted diets. Super Aloe and Motility Pro are for patients that struggle with constipation issues during their weight loss support journey.

Please let us know if you have any questions about any of these weight loss support products or if you would like to set up a meeting to understand these products on a deeper level. Many of them have clinical trials behind them!

Here to help.

Ask our staff at Morgan Compounding Pharmacy for more information about weight loss support, other products to help lose weight, and overall health. Or visit us at our pharmacy in Alpharetta, Georgia.

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