Morgan Compounding specializes in Women's Health Compounding.
Natural Bioidentical Progesterone Effects
- Helps balance estrogen
- Improves sleep
- Natural calming effect
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Helps the body use
and eliminate fats - Lowers cholesterol
- Increases scalp hair
- Helps balance fluids in the cells
- Increases the beneficial effects of estrogen on Blood vessels
- Increases metabolic rate
- Natural diuretic
- Natural antidepressant
- Is anti-inflammatory
- stimulates production of new bone
- enhances the action of thyroid hormones
- improves libido
- helps restore proper cell oxygen levels
- Is neuroprotective, promoting myelination.
See citations below:
- Study citation: Stein, D., et al., “Does progesterone have neuroprotective properties?” Ann Emer Med 2008; 51(2):164-72.
- Studies have shown that progesterone does NOT induce estrogen-stimulated breast cell proliferation.
- Study citation: Murkes, D., et al., “Effects of percutaneous estradiol-oral progesterone vs. oral conjugated equine estrogens-medroxyprogesterone acetate on breast cell proliferation and bel-2 protein in healthy women,” Fertil Steril 2011; 95(3):1188-91.
- Study citation: Wood, C., et al., “Transcriptional profiles of progesterone effects in the postmenopausal breast,” Breast Cancer Re Treat 2009; 114(2):233-42.
- Natural progesterone has been show to decrease the risk of developing breast cancer.
- A study looked at 80,000 postmenopausal women for 8 years using different kinds of HRT.
- It found that women who used estrogen in combination with synthetic progestin had a 69% increased risk of developing breast cancer when compared to women who never took HRT.
- Women who used natural bio-identical progesterone in combination with estrogen had no increased risk in developing breast cancer compared to women that did not use HRT and also had a decreased risk in developing breast cancer compared to the women that used synthetic progestin.
- Study citation: Fournier, A., et al., “Unequal risks for breast cancer associated with different hormone replacement therapies: results from the E3N cohort study,” Breast Cancer Res Treat 2008; 107(1): 103-11.
- Another study done by the same researchers found a 40% increased risk of developing breast cancer in women who used estrogen with synthetic progestins.
- In women who used estrogen combined with natural bio-identical progesterone there was a trend toward a decreased risk of developing breast cancer.
- Study citation: Fournier, A., et al., “Breast cancer risk in relation to different types of HRT in the E3N-EPIC cohort,” Int Jour Cancer 2005; 114(3):448-54.
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